Goulburn Public School

"Success for all" - Enrolling now for 2024

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All SaCC and Early Childhood programs require to be booked in before attending. As Spaces are limited, please email the SaCC facilitator on tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au


Outreach Playgroup

The Outreach Playgroup Program provides opportunities for children and their parents to participate in creative and social play during FREE playgroup sessions in and around Goulburn.

Our sessions focus on play-based learning, partnerships with families, building and nurturing relationships, respect for diversity, equity and learning through exploration, collaboration and active hands on investigation.

We encourage parents to bring a healthy snack and drink for morning eat, while Goulburn SaCC and Goulburn Region Art Gallery provide the playgroup venues, resources and learning material.

Facilitator: Janet Gordan

Locations: Dalton, Marulan, Tallong, Taralga and Goulburn East Public School

Bookings: Please email janet.gordon@goulburn.nsw.gov.au for more information and bookings.


Aboriginal Supported Playgroup

Goulburn Public School and Goulburn SaCC provides a supported playgroup for Aboriginal children and families in the community and surrounds to socialise in a welcoming and enjoyable environment at Rainbow Junction building. Tammy Diamond, Goulburn Public School Aboriginal Support Teacher, provides morning tea, educational play opportunities for children as well as social networking and referral opportunities for families.


Time: 9:30 am to 11:30 am
When: Every Thursday (school term)
Where: Goulburn Public School-SaCC Building 
Who: For children aged 0 to 5 years
Cost: Free and morning tea provided
Facilitators:  Tammy Diamond and Tegan Johnson  
Bookings: Required through Goulburn SaCC Facilitator (tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au)


Mum’s and Bub’s Early Childhood Music Class 

This is an interactive music and instrument-based program designed around the Early Years Learning Framework of play-based learning. Mum’s and their little ones will be able to bond as they are involved in songs and rhymes.

When: Monday (school term)
Who: For children aged 0 to 18 months
Facilitators:  Deb McConnell
Bookings: Required through Goulburn SaCC Facilitator (tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au)


Early Childhood Music Classes

Goulburn Schools as Community Centre (SaCC) with Hume Conservatorium will be providing Early Childhood Music Programs at the Hume Conservatorium with the fabulous Deb McConnell!

This is an interactive music and instrument-based program designed around the Early Years Learning Framework of play-based learning. Children are taken on a musical journey exploring the core concepts of music through musical games, singing, dancing, fun, puppet friends and a wide range of musical instruments.

Session Times: School term only- Tuesday and Wednesday
Who: For children aged 2 to 5 years
Bookings: Required through Goulburn SaCC Facilitator (tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au)


Art and Play Playgroup

Art and Play Playgroup offers a supportive environment for families and children to come together and enjoy fun learning experiences, while children also benefit by becoming familiar with the school environment and developing a sense of belonging prior to starting school.

Art and Play enables children to

  • become confident and involved learners
  • become effective communicators
  • express their feelings
  • discover shapes, textures, colours, size, quantities
  • develop conflict resolution skills
  • become creative thinkers
  • be organised


Time: 9.30am to 11.30 am

When: Every Friday (school term)

Where: Goulburn Public School-SaCC Playgroup Building 

Who: For children aged 2 to 5 years

Cost: Free and morning tea is provided

Facilitators:  Janet Gordan and Tegan Johnson  

Bookings: Required through Goulburn SaCC Facilitator (tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au)


Mini Active Play

Children aged between 2 – 5 years will attend with their parent/carer to be involved in our Mini Active Play Program. Activities are set up for the child and parent/carer to interact and play together for approximately 1 hour. At the end of play time session, children will be given a snack while their parent/carer can be involved in a demonstration on cooking inexpensive and healthy meals for the family.

Date: Monday, School Term only  

Who: For children aged 2 to 5 years
Bookings: Required through Goulburn SaCC Facilitator (tegan.johnson8@det.nsw.edu.au)